How Creativity Works by Jonah Lehrer details the creative process, de-stigmatizes humanity's mystification of the origin of creative thought, and proposes conditions that support creative thought. The central assertion of the book is that all people can be creative if given the right tools and the right situation. Using examples from Bob Dylan's Like a Rolling Stone to 3M's invention of Post-It Notes, the book moves from creative breakthrough to creative breakthrough to understand how they were possible and how we can replicate the optimal conditions for creative solutions.
After several readings and audio-book listens of the book, I am convinced that organizations and individuals can create environments where creative breakthroughs are not only possible, but inevitable. Misunderstanding the value of creative thought and creative process is so common in society that creative thought is often discounted as unproductive and frivolous. But institutional misconception of creativity is dangerous to the viability of the organization or individual that espouses it. Everyone can learn creative habits, and those of us who work in creative industries can take concrete steps to meet conditions that lead to 'Aha!' moments.
This book is an especially a must read for CEO's, University Boards, Heads of State, and leaders everywhere. These are the gatekeepers who can invest in fostering their organization's creative culture through intuitional policies and creative friendly work spaces. Organizations that place real value in encouraging innovation through Creative thought are the ones that thrive in the modern world, and the rest are destined for creative destruction.