Epistle: An Idea for an LDS Messaging App

After I saw this app being promoted to the youth of our church as a way to keep connected with the church, I felt pretty discouraged. The church's app story is about the individual use. Their app, directory, is the closest thing to that kind of communication. But directory is bare bones, and trying to contact people in your calling is becoming a logistical nightmare. So I propose a new messaging platform for the church, called Epistle. When Pahoran and Moroni couldn't seem to get on the same page in the Book of Mormon, it was communication through Epistle that solved it. I see this app as a way to help bring the connected generation further into church activity and to help manage the organizational complexity that the church's many institutions and programs employ.


This is just an idea. No plans to build it. The only one who could build it is the church. And they should feel free to steal this idea and run with it, or hire me to build it out for them. Either way: please make something like this happen church. Embrace the power of the smartphone in both the developed world and the developing one as well.


This is my idea for tithing which I realize will never happen. But a man can dream:

So that's my idea, and one bored sunday I decided to design it all out.